Free VLC Player for iPad DownloadVLC is an open source multimedia player that plays all the common formats of videos and supports many streaming protocols.

VLC has all codecs built-in. It comes with support for nearly all codec there is. And what is more it can even play back the file or media if it is damaged! Missing or broken pieces are no stop to VLC, it plays all the video and audio information that’s still intact.

Earlier this month it was reported that VLC player had been developed for iPad and submitted to Apple for acceptance to be included in App Store. And finally VLC player is available to download free from the store.

The application’s developers, Applidium, say:

After 2 weeks of review, VLC for the iPad is eventually available on the AppStore! The release date is set to Tuesday, Sept. 21, so depending on your timezone, it should be available pretty soon.

Here is the direct link to VLC player on iTunes. If you don’t see any download option, bookmark the link and try after few hours as the app is being rolled out in different regions
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